

目前顯示的是 4月, 2009的文章

[Clinical] Endotracheal Intubation\LMA\Central Venous Catheterization

Endotracheal Intubation Purpose:build a liable airway for supplying air to patients' Lung. Contraindication: step1: call patient's name and then check conscious, airway, breathing. step2(Give some air): 口咽撐開器+mask+ambu bag LMA Central Venous Catheterization Purpose:build a liable tube to monitor vital signs and give some medicine or the entrance of operation. Contraindication:Infection, thrombosis step1: wear aseptic dress, operative glove. step2: disinfect and set aseptic package. step3: find the trangle circled by the Sternoclavicle muscle.vein is outside, and artery is inside.(at Femor, vein is inside) Put the needle at the lateral side of the middle form the line of ear and sternum. step4:

[Journal] Read the Basic Information

How to read the basic information of articles? About authors in an article: the first author is the person who did the most work of this article. the last author is the person who conducted the whole research and was a leader of the team or a boss in the laboratory, and owned this article. If the article was awarded, the honor should be the last author. the other author will be listed by the priority according to his or her contribution.

[HR] Human Rights in the World

Why do I want to care about the human rights in the world? The reason is I can learn from those people, who help disadvantaged minorities or who are disadvantaged minorities. They teach me how to be more close to my own life and how to be a human. I collect some information about the human rights in the world, because I need to catch up with them. 連加恩 http://africare.fhl.net/ 宋睿祥:無國界醫師 http://www.ohmygod.org.tw/goodtohaveyou/good011.htm Médecins Sans Frontières 無國界醫師 http://www.msf.org/ http://www.msf.fr/ Freedom House 自由之家 http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=1 WHO

[Hospital] Information

財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會 (簡稱:醫策會) Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditaion http://www.tjcha.org.tw/ 病人安全資訊網 Patient Safety http://www.patientsafety.tw/ 台灣醫療改革基金會 (簡稱:醫改會)Taiwan Health Care Reform Fundation http://www.thrf.org.tw/ 中央健康保險局Bureau of National Health Insurance http://www.nhi.gov.tw/ 中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會 http://www.tma.tw/

[Education] Information

-----醫學院評鑑資訊----- 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會下設有三個評鑑組織:高等教育評鑑中心\醫評會\護評會。 http://www.heeact.edu.tw/ 醫學院評鑑委員會 (簡稱醫評會TMAC)Taiwan Medical Accreditation Council 1. 2000.10~ 2006.01 在 NHRI 國家衛生研究院 http://nhri.org.tw/nhri_org/mc/home.htm 2. 2006.01~ 在 HEEACT 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會 http://www.heeact.edu.tw/mp.asp?mp=3 意義:由於醫學教育評鑑受美國醫學教育肯定,而啟發高等教育評鑑的風氣,故成立了評鑑中心,開始台灣高等教育評鑑的工作。 -----醫學圖書館評鑑資訊----- 中華民國圖書館協會 http://www.lac.org.tw/ 醫學圖書資訊網-->醫學圖書館教育訓練網-->醫圖概述-->醫學院評鑑中有指出 http://www.lac.org.tw/ML2/ML/ml-index.htm