毒性或過敏反應:粒性白血球缺乏症 (agranulocytosis),膽汁阻塞造成之黃疸 (cholestatic jaundice),及皮膚發疹clozapine較易造成粒性白血球缺乏症 可以致死用藥後6~18週發病,發病後很快就會造成病人死亡。每週的血液檢查不能疏忽,必須持續監測顆粒性白血球的濃度(因其進展快速)
眼球前部 (角膜及水晶體) 的沉澱為使用chlorpromazine,加重水晶體的老化程度
Thioridazine是唯一會造成視網膜沉澱造成色素沉澱視網膜炎,其發生之徵兆為視覺褐色化最大劑量為800 mg/d以減少此併發症之發生。
心臟毒性thioridazine之劑量超過300 mg/d時通常都會造成不正常之T wave,但此作用為可逆轉作用。心室心律不整thioridazine會造成病人不正常的ECG,long QT,abnormal ST & T waves。
抗精神病藥物惡性症狀 (neuroleptic malignant syndrome ,NMS)對第一代第二代藥物的錐體外症狀特別敏感時發生,吃的時候就會昏迷,汗腺容易失調,體溫飆高,在急診室時此類病患常會被誤診為一般的發炎反應而導致死亡,因此詢問病人病史(有無服用其他藥物)是相當重要的事。急救用肌肉鬆弛劑、鎮靜安眠劑,多巴胺致效劑



Cheese effect(起司效應)夜尿 (TCA 如imipramine)----必考SSRI是繼TCA後發明的新型抗憂鬱藥物,其中Fluoxetine(百憂解)<必考!!!>SSRI的五種藥物Fluoxetine (Prozac)、Paroxetine 、Sertraline 、Fluvoxamine 、Citalopram 要背




手術前 NPO 手術後 減壓引流管 Decompression - NG decompression  pressure:? - J-P drain - Hemovac drain 引流管 - Foley-sump drain:一般不用負壓引流,採free drainage     臨床經驗,負壓引流無特別情況, 術後照護重點: 1. 適當引流及腸胃道減壓 2. 營養建立:需長期靜脈營養? 七天以上無法給予腸胃道。                         PPNLP\PPNNP\TPN

[Phsiology] 溶液滲透度osmolaluty & osmolarity

Osmolarity is a measure of the osmoles of solute per liter of solution, while the osmolality is a measure of the osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent . from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmolarity Plasma osmolality Plasma osmolality is a measure of the concentration of substances such as sodium , chloride , potassium , urea , glucose , and other ions in human blood . It is calculated as the osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Normal osmolality in plasma is about 280 - 303 milli-osmoles per kilogram. It is affected by changes in water content. To calculate plasma osmolarity (osmolality) use the following equation: P osm = 2[Na + ] + [Glucose]/18 + [ BUN ]/2.8 The above equation holds true if the glucose & ureas blood chemistry units are given as: mg/dL. If the units are given as: mmol/l; then the calculated osmolality is given by: P .OSM = 2[NA] + 2[K+] + [Urea] + [Glucose] Osmolality can be measured on an analytical instrument called an Osmometer....