
[Journal] ESI(Essential Science Indicators) 基本科學指標

簡述:ESI是由ISI(Institute for Scientific Information)此機構所發表的統計資料,根據其所建立的三個索引資料:SCI(科學引用索引),SSCI(社會科學索引),A&HCI(人文藝術索引)共同建立的WOS(Web of Science )資料庫做特定的統計分析

自1963年美國科學資訊研究所(Institute for Scientific Information,簡稱ISI)發表《科學引文索引》(Science Citation Index,簡稱SCI)以來,ISI又陸續於1973年發表《社會科學引文索引》(Social Sciences Citation Index,簡稱SSCI)、1978年出版《人文與藝術引文索引》(Arts & Humanities Citation Index,簡稱A&HCI ),收錄各學科的優質期刊文獻。1997年ISI配合線上資料庫發展趨勢,而將此三專輯由光碟版轉為網路版本,合稱Web of Science(WOS),提供收錄期刊的「單篇文章」被引用狀況,可藉此得知各篇文章的引用文獻(Cited Reference)與被引次數(Times Cited)。


ISI後來又以「科學家、機構、國家、期刊」的角度,分析WOS中文章的引用及被引用狀況,於2001年推出《基本科學指標》(Essential Science Indicators,簡稱ESI),將SCI/SSCI所收錄超過11,000種期刊的最近十年文章,分為22個學門,針對被引次數世界前1%的科學家與機構、前50%的國家與期刊,分別統計其論文數、被引用總數、平均被引用數與此三項指標之世界排名榜。ESI同時提供論文數、被引用總數、平均被引次數的各學門平均值,及高被引文章(Highly cited papers)、熱門文章(Hot Papers)與研究趨勢(Research Fronts)等資訊,提供使用者快速了解當今科學論文發表現況、優質文獻與前瞻議題。




手術前 NPO 手術後 減壓引流管 Decompression - NG decompression  pressure:? - J-P drain - Hemovac drain 引流管 - Foley-sump drain:一般不用負壓引流,採free drainage     臨床經驗,負壓引流無特別情況, 術後照護重點: 1. 適當引流及腸胃道減壓 2. 營養建立:需長期靜脈營養? 七天以上無法給予腸胃道。                         PPNLP\PPNNP\TPN

[Phsiology] 溶液滲透度osmolaluty & osmolarity

Osmolarity is a measure of the osmoles of solute per liter of solution, while the osmolality is a measure of the osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent . from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmolarity Plasma osmolality Plasma osmolality is a measure of the concentration of substances such as sodium , chloride , potassium , urea , glucose , and other ions in human blood . It is calculated as the osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Normal osmolality in plasma is about 280 - 303 milli-osmoles per kilogram. It is affected by changes in water content. To calculate plasma osmolarity (osmolality) use the following equation: P osm = 2[Na + ] + [Glucose]/18 + [ BUN ]/2.8 The above equation holds true if the glucose & ureas blood chemistry units are given as: mg/dL. If the units are given as: mmol/l; then the calculated osmolality is given by: P .OSM = 2[NA] + 2[K+] + [Urea] + [Glucose] Osmolality can be measured on an analytical instrument called an Osmometer.

[Gastroenterology] 消化道疾病與內視鏡手術

本文內容: (1)整個內視鏡之診療 (2)上消化系統內視鏡 A 食道 B 胃 C ERCP (3)大腸鏡 (4)腹腔鏡 (5)小腸鏡 (6)內視鏡超音波EUS (7)出血Hemostasis (a)急性非曲張性出血Acute nonvariceal bleeding(潰瘍性) (b)肝門脈高壓性出血Portal hypertensive bleeding(高壓性) (8)消化道擴張和固定GI tract dilatation and stent insertion (9)Enteral Access (10)ERCP (11)Tumor resection --------------------------------------------------- 上消化系統內視鏡手術 UGI System Endoscopy 定義 Def :從嘴巴>食道>胃>十二指腸第二段(肝胰壺腹) by Harrison 食道Esophageal Varices GERD Esophageal Varices GERD Los Angeles Classification (1) Grade A, one or more mucosal breaks no longer than 5 mm, none of which extends between the tops of the mucosal folds; (2) Grade B, one or more mucosal breaks more than 5 mm long, none of which extends between the tops of two mucosal folds; (3) Grade C, mucosal breaks that extend between the tops of two or more mucosal folds, but are not circumferential; (4) Grade D, one or more circumferential mucosal breaks. Grade A 單個或多個長度<5mm div="